Spring Ahead

First the cold, and now the snow. The calendar is no longer a good predictor of the weather. Nor are the seasons I guess. February and March have given us our first real taste of the traditional Wisconsin winter, yet there seems to be confusion as to which season we are in.

This past week alone we have seen rain, sleet, mud, snow, high winds, sun, fog, puddles, snow drifts and fairly moderate temps. It has become a sort of game to crawl from bed in the morning just to see what surprises wait out side that door.

In a few weeks we will be performing what used to be a “sign of spring” ritual – setting the clocks ahead. All of the anticipation of watching for that first daffodil or tulip to push up through the warming soil is competing with our eagerness of getting out to enjoy a winter walk through the woods for the first time this year.

Of course, this is exhilarating in a chaotic kind of way, for someone predictable like me. Time to get out and enjoy the snow – for that is what will greet me as I walk out my door.